Sunday, August 1, 2010

writing without words

well, i find my self far far away from the days i woke with words dancing in my head.

i think that might be because i spend so much time *relating*
the more i relate with people, the more i have to use W O R D S to communicate.
damn those pesky, illusive, not quite specific enough SPOKEN words. its a challenge to pick them, repeat them, and volley them back and forth with people in efforts to understand each other.

i do remember a time when i was alone enough to bounce the words around in my head instead of with other people. i wrote poems in my head while waking. i scribbled messages to the universe on little scraps of paper with one hand, while i simultaneously typed up journals and letters on my computer.
for this reason I have often thought i was a writer of some sort, and i have always assumed i would eventually write a book.

thats why its so interesting to find myself with so few words these days.

i am churning concepts in my soul and swimming through the messages just like i am swimming through these sultry days of summer in the south. there are few words lately. its just a body of experience. i wade around in circles, capturing the moments of my life in images and memories.
i feel compelled to paint, and dance.... to sit in the chair in the backyard and just watch the leaves blow around in the summer heat.

its all bothered me a bit. i have wondered how to "correct" this problem ????
but i am concluding that its not a problem at all.
its a process.

this is part of my cycle of creation. this is where the words come from, farther on down the line.
and the words are just a piece of my whole life creation. its everything that i feel, and breathe, and experience that inspires the search for words that will capture the essence of something grander.