Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Solo Road Trip - Coffee Shop Hop - Mobile Office

I have been thinking all summer about taking SOLO ROADTRIPS!
I remember days when I was *single* and flying solo in my adventures.

freedom.  room to breathe.   empty head space.  my favorite music in the car.   following butterflies and no plans.

I decided to head off this week for a mini solo roadtrip.   and the easiest one is up highway 65 to louisville.   I decided to make it a "coffee shop hop"  meets "eat pray love"  (the movie just came out and its on my brain)
each day I settled into a coffee shop to work.   I ordered a specialty coffee drink and spread my mobile office out on a cafe table.

first stop:  Heine Brothers

I had a pumpkin spice latte with cinnamon on top.
the weather is cool here in louisville, so it all feels so ~ autumn ~

next stop--->  I headed to the Indiana side after the coffee shop to spend the night at mom and dad's house: 

EAT : Arni's Pizza
PRAY: about being more authentic in my life little step by little step
LOVE:  my mom and dad

The next morning it was a coffee "shop"  hop to the back porch, where I journaled and drew pictures. 

Then I grabbed my laptop bag and headed back to louisville to meet Dad for lunch.   (smile)
Then I drove around old louisville looking at commercial property and dreaming up a move to another city.

I finally made my way to Highland Brew.... where I spent an evening working on a project.
I stayed until nearly midnight & LOVED it!   It was a Saturday night and the crowd was interesting and flirty.  Everyone was dressed in date night clothes.  I loved people watching. 

 next stop :  next day :   HobKnob    -  regular old coffee and time to think.

Day's Coffee and Espress

Last day working on the road in my mobile office.... I spent the afternoon at Day's coffee shop.  I had an amazing cappacino!  so beautifully crafted by the barista.