Each year piled up on top of the other is another set of days where I have experienced life.
life here on planet earth.
with beautiful people
for beautiful me.
and copious opportunities for experiencing and enjoying.
For me, the bliss comes from the PURE PLEASURE of maturing and evolving at the deepest levels of my soul. And from that place of sometimes complicated and crucial transformations, I tap in to every delicious little experiencing of living.
the taste of chocolate on my lips, hot apple cider, wind of every season blowing on my cheeks.
sunshine. rain. exchanging the energy of love in every possible way
fresh seasons... new leaves, golden leaves, barren trees, and hope of cycles that are always repeating.
holding hands. holding hearts. breathing deeply the air that surrounds me.
seeing your eyes. seeing your soul. knowing you and me deeply through each experience of living.
laughing. talking. drinking icy margaritas.
dancing. smiling. filling up glasses of wine. sharing our stories and our spirits playing together.
waking up each day eager to work. to create. to dream. to build.
to create my life.
to live a life i LOVE living
inspiring others that it is possible for all of us.
untangling the twisted details. unraveling my soul and uncovering the complexities of our souls woven patterns of relating.
self discovery and life discovery.
the pleasures of living in this body. in this world. in this lifetime.
Here's to another year!
I am grateful for every previous year & so excited about everything that is still available to me as I live each new present moment.