Dreams are little visions that parade across the mind's eye.
tiny pictures which point arrows towards the paths i can take on this journey.
When I get attached to a certain vision... then I start to remember it over and over.
giving the options of unfolding a little more grace in my mind...
working out the kinks, playing with the options.
but sometimes the vision starts to fade
the details get hazy and the purpose of the dream is no longer alive
this is when its time to pause a moment
you have to feel it
and today thats what I am doing... i'm trying to connect with the emotions that make up all my dreams.
what is it that we really long for?
what is it that we are reaching out to experience????
because its not in any THING
its not in any PERSON
its in me already.
and i just have to FEEL it.
remember it.
wrap it around me
you realllly have to feel it in your body. in your being.
in your frame of mind.
otherwise its just a motion. repetition. boredom. lifeless attention to detail.
and thats not where you feel alive.
lately i have noticed that distractions are everywhere around me
soaking up my attention and leading me away from my visions
but thats ok.
thats summer .... and i like summer for this reason.
but today i am feeeeeeling all my dreams and reconnecting to what i want for my life.