Friday, February 20, 2009

singing in the morning

I know that my heart is wide open and free.... flowin love, when i find myself singing in the morning sunshine.

ahhh its a beautiful morning and every bit of life seems to be swirling around me in this one sacred moment.

i am eternally grateful.

there has been so much exploration and experiencing of death in my life the last few weeks with the death of my grandmother and of my sweet kitty mojo. and several people i know have also been experiencing the death of loved ones... mothers, sisters, friends, cats... and my heart is bursting with love and compassion for the experiences. i have walked through the valley of death. i have cried tears and felt the illusion of despair. i have felt the fear. and i have walked up the other side of the hill into the morning sunlight.
i have stepped back into the healing power of the morning.

today i am so fully alive.
walking through the contrast... walking through the pain has made the life so much sweeter to live.

this morning i am singing. i am writing. drawing. drinking my morning coffee and enjoying the sweet rubs and purrs from the cat that has stayed. i am dreaming. and i am feeling the connection to the whole great cosmos. i feel the web of life.
i feel the woven threads, interconnecting us all with the energy of life. and i am so grateful.

this is life.
and i am singing.