Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cash Flow Fun

More fun with Wealth Mindset !
today some friends invited me to play Cash Flow :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wealth Mindset

You see this little Coach wallet?

Well it was a gift recently, that I didn't know what to do with!!

I stuffed it in a drawer to use for a night out....
(which would surely never come)
Why? well..... to be quite honest, its because I had a very hard time imagining myself carrying a Coach wallet ANYWHERE... ANY OCCASSION.

You see... Growing up, I associated people who owned
EXPENSIVE things = with Snobs.
As it often goes in school, I was picked on by young classmates for not wearing name brands.  Early on I began to associate name brands of any kind with rudeness, snobbery, and embarrasement.
Why, would I want to be associated with those experiences!?!?

Lately, more and more money is pouring into my life (YES!) and I am learning to embrace WEALTH.
It doesn't always come with a designer logo, but I am learning a Wealth Mindset is embracing ALL the abundance that flows my way... and stashing an expensive wallet in a drawer like a shameful secret is an Opportunity for SELF DISCOVERY work around my Wealth Mindset.

I will say... it took me a few weeks of mentally swimming with this situation to uncover my limiting beliefs and start to carry this wallet around nonchalantly and easily. LOL.

Now its an every day wallet, right alongside my less expensive purses and wallets. It really isn't important what any of it costs, as much as it is important that I ENJOY it in my life. And by all means I do not want to be energetically pushing away the luxurious & expensive things that make their way to me!

Now I am using it everyday as a Badge of Self Discovery around this issue in my life.  

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mantra Mobile

This morning I made a * Mantra Mobile * to hang over my desk.
I love the idea that all these wonderful thoughts are dancing over my head while I am working at my desk.
I have been doing a lot of work with mantras for the last few years and I am working on some programs using mantras.

I used the side rail of my childhood baby bed. (yes! the one I slept in) I really love the symbolism here. I feel like I am incorporating an energetic piece of my roots into this present moment. By weaving this item into the project, I am energetically weaving in this mantras with my first subconscious patterning, the very first synaptic waves of my brain. i like :)!!!!

I will keep adding mantras and affirmations to the mobile as time goes on. Like my life, it will be a progression ~*~*~* !

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cutting my Hair with the home scissors again....

Ok, so when you grow up in a house with a mother who is a hair stylist, maybe you learn to be a little risky with a pair of scissors.   I'll be the first to admit that I don't really know what I am doing when I take the scissors to my hair.   Today, I just had to cut it off though!   It has gotten too long and I can't wait any longer to get an appointment.  

It always feels so liberating to cut my hair.    woohooo !   I took off about five inches in the back and snipped away at the front too.   Yeah!!  I feel lighter already.

Meditation Under the Shade Trees

Today I went on a journey of the heart....

I left the house early this morning with an mp3 meditation loaded on my iphone.
I took off for a walk at shelby & found a quite place under some shade trees to settle in.
I listened to the guided meditation while the birds flew above me, the bugs crawled around me, and the trees swayed in the breeze.   It was so peaceful to connect with nature this way while going on this journey of the heart.   I cleared my heart and soul & revived my whole being!  

As I was leaving I could not help but skip and run and laugh for a long stretch when I didn't see anyone around.   I just needed to bounce around in that fresh clean energy and celebrate.
there is nothing like pure joy that can't be contained in your body without expression!

I always want to remember this day <3

Monday, July 11, 2011

On a mission -USE IT UP !


I am on a mission lately.... I am trying to USE UP my current art supplies.
That's right... use it up.

The easiest way to do this is to allow myself the freedom to make a great big beautiful artistic mess.
Here we gooooooooooooo  !

Heart Journey - Letting it BE what it is

Self LOVE surpasses all Judgement!

Creating Symbolism of Transformation in Nature

Ongoing Growth and  Transformation of the Soul does not happen without many leaps of courage!

Lately, I am practicing being gentle with myself in difficult situations.   I am learning to remove judgement of the situtaions that I experience.... practicing being present..... and most of all remembering "its ALL good"  ;)

Safe Space - Mount St. Francis Retreat Center

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flying Free today in LOVE

Today I am celebrating my courage to step more fully into my power and fly free.
This image is a symbol of my day.    

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The view from my cup of coffee

In my wake up space taping into source energy to fuel my day.
sitting on my yoga mat..... starting the day with pure gratitude. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Live Love

My Happy Paint Brush

this picture makes me happy in so many ways

Friday, July 1, 2011

Just a Reminder : Go where there is LOVE

this little sign has been around for a good long while now.
it still goes deep in wisdom.
when in doubt.... Go where there is LOVE.