Monday, July 25, 2011

Wealth Mindset

You see this little Coach wallet?

Well it was a gift recently, that I didn't know what to do with!!

I stuffed it in a drawer to use for a night out....
(which would surely never come)
Why? well..... to be quite honest, its because I had a very hard time imagining myself carrying a Coach wallet ANYWHERE... ANY OCCASSION.

You see... Growing up, I associated people who owned
EXPENSIVE things = with Snobs.
As it often goes in school, I was picked on by young classmates for not wearing name brands.  Early on I began to associate name brands of any kind with rudeness, snobbery, and embarrasement.
Why, would I want to be associated with those experiences!?!?

Lately, more and more money is pouring into my life (YES!) and I am learning to embrace WEALTH.
It doesn't always come with a designer logo, but I am learning a Wealth Mindset is embracing ALL the abundance that flows my way... and stashing an expensive wallet in a drawer like a shameful secret is an Opportunity for SELF DISCOVERY work around my Wealth Mindset.

I will say... it took me a few weeks of mentally swimming with this situation to uncover my limiting beliefs and start to carry this wallet around nonchalantly and easily. LOL.

Now its an every day wallet, right alongside my less expensive purses and wallets. It really isn't important what any of it costs, as much as it is important that I ENJOY it in my life. And by all means I do not want to be energetically pushing away the luxurious & expensive things that make their way to me!

Now I am using it everyday as a Badge of Self Discovery around this issue in my life.