We had a beautiful snowy day yesterday. It was wonderful. All this hibernating has been just fabulous. I have had so much time the past few months to rest. I have climbed under the covers with my dreaming machine. I have scribbled endless piles of notes. I have sorted and organized my visions into order. I have had countless cups of hot tea, and even more hot bubble baths near midnight. Its been great.
Its surely nearing an end though. The little jolts of spring like sunshine are becoming more common and that makes me feel like moving.
The big thought in all this.... I like this flow.
I reeeeaaaallllllly like this way of living. ahahhaha
I like not rushing. I like napping often. I like making my creative process very lucid and I really like all this alone time I am giving myself. I want more!
So.... I was thinking I might transition my hibernation into a sabbatical. I keep hearing that word in my head.
I called Sark yesterday and she said she was taking a creative sabbatical! great minds thinking alike ????... this is exactly what I am talking about here.
Consider me moving into Creative Sabbatical mode....
I imagine this will mean naps on blankets under the dreaming tree. spring breezes and bike rides spent pondering the details. maybe i'll take my pad and paper from the couch by the fire... to the firepit outside on a springy night.
this is good.
edit : since sitting with this idea for awhile, I have decided to rename this to my summer sabatical. i like the double Ss