Saturday, February 21, 2009

1311 Woodland Street is for Sale!

The last few days I have been getting emails and phone calls from friends who are a bit concerned that they have seen a for sale sign in the front yard.

All is well friends!!

Nearly four amazing years have been lived in this beautiful house and I’m only shaking things up a bit and taking some of my dreams to the next level. I’ll still be here in east nashville. and will be taking all the celebrating, parties, retreats and activities to a new space. In fact i’m looking for a space for The Divine Playhouse to expand. good good stuff is unfolding! i’m merely rearranging everything so I can more fully flow into this next phase.
so please…. wish me well, and imagine this smooth and easy transition with me. i know everything is coming together with divine timing. its fun watching all the details fall in place to pave the way.

Tonight… Feb 21st I am having an *Open House Porch Party* from 5-8

I will be lighting fires in the fireplaces and popping open a few bottles of wine. since i have heard news of snowflakes tonight, i’ll also have hot chocolate and marshmallows to roast in the fire.

I am intending to connect with someone who is ready to move in and enjoy this fabulous property. If you are that person, or know someone who would like to live here… I invite you pass this info along.

Tonight the whole house will be open for CELEBRATING! I will be celebrating the wonderful times I have had in this house. Celebrating the bright future unfolding… and I will be blessing the house with happiness for those who will be here in the years ahead. I will also set up a *Community Collaboration Art Project* in the main room.

I'll have the upstairs open also… so if you have ever wanted to come walk around in this house…. now is the time!
And here are pictures if you would like to take a peek now….

Friday, February 20, 2009

singing in the morning

I know that my heart is wide open and free.... flowin love, when i find myself singing in the morning sunshine.

ahhh its a beautiful morning and every bit of life seems to be swirling around me in this one sacred moment.

i am eternally grateful.

there has been so much exploration and experiencing of death in my life the last few weeks with the death of my grandmother and of my sweet kitty mojo. and several people i know have also been experiencing the death of loved ones... mothers, sisters, friends, cats... and my heart is bursting with love and compassion for the experiences. i have walked through the valley of death. i have cried tears and felt the illusion of despair. i have felt the fear. and i have walked up the other side of the hill into the morning sunlight.
i have stepped back into the healing power of the morning.

today i am so fully alive.
walking through the contrast... walking through the pain has made the life so much sweeter to live.

this morning i am singing. i am writing. drawing. drinking my morning coffee and enjoying the sweet rubs and purrs from the cat that has stayed. i am dreaming. and i am feeling the connection to the whole great cosmos. i feel the web of life.
i feel the woven threads, interconnecting us all with the energy of life. and i am so grateful.

this is life.
and i am singing.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ceremoniously Putting the Sign in the Yard!

Tonight we put the sign in the yard!!
we kinda made a big deal about it.

Ready for new adventures.

Time to divide this property into several new places.
Taylor is ready for a simpler place. I am ready to get a commercial building where my business can unfold.
I am also ready to have my very own Artist Retreat House to hide away when I want alone time, and time to work on creative projects.

So many visions for what's next.

Exciting times ahead. Change and Transformation in the air!