Friday, April 4, 2008

deadline or no deadline?

no deadline....

well the friends I am running with would love for me to commit to the half marathon that is coming up in a few weeks. it sounds so fun... but I really don't want to have a deadline.
when I committed to this i wanted it to be a practice that complimented my new way of "doing" things.
learning pace. going with the flow. learning how to get there without a deadline. i'll arrive when i arrive.
yeah. so i'm not signing up for this one. but i know that eventually i will be ready. and i will know i am ready.
i trust this process.

BUT i did hear that there is a 5k coming up in a short while and for the first time ever that sounds very very manageable! so i think i might do that. how cool will it be to get a number :)