Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bliss while running

I have had several BLISSFUL moments while running.

always the music beating in my head. always my core moving my body forward. always the future on the screen in front of me. always the present moment wrapped around me like a sphere of bliss.

What to do after Hibernation ......Creative Sabbatical

We had a beautiful snowy day yesterday. It was wonderful. All this hibernating has been just fabulous. I have had so much time the past few months to rest. I have climbed under the covers with my dreaming machine. I have scribbled endless piles of notes. I have sorted and organized my visions into order. I have had countless cups of hot tea, and even more hot bubble baths near midnight. Its been great.

Its surely nearing an end though. The little jolts of spring like sunshine are becoming more common and that makes me feel like moving.

The big thought in all this.... I like this flow.
I reeeeaaaallllllly like this way of living. ahahhaha

I like not rushing. I like napping often. I like making my creative process very lucid and I really like all this alone time I am giving myself. I want more!

So.... I was thinking I might transition my hibernation into a sabbatical. I keep hearing that word in my head.
I called Sark yesterday and she said she was taking a creative sabbatical! great minds thinking alike ????... this is exactly what I am talking about here.

Consider me moving into Creative Sabbatical mode....
I imagine this will mean naps on blankets under the dreaming tree. spring breezes and bike rides spent pondering the details. maybe i'll take my pad and paper from the couch by the fire... to the firepit outside on a springy night.

this is good.

edit : since sitting with this idea for awhile, I have decided to rename this to my summer sabatical. i like the double Ss

Monday, February 25, 2008

Surge of Energy

That winter sky is still gray today....its still winter. but there is a surge in me.

energy is running through my veins again.
ahhh power.
It feels so good to feel the bright energy in my body.
its moving me

and leslie is creating again.

hibernation has been about absorbing and soaking up energy around me. thinking. dreaming. and its like bottling up energy.
well, the bottle top popped this morning and I am in CREATION mode.

i don't think its the big one... but a little surge to make me feel alive again.

they say snow is coming, but today winter hibernation has been jolted by this surge of energy.

good good day.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Emptying my Brain onto the Notebook

My brain is a very busy place to be. Something that delights me most of the time. But its a daily practice to decide and direct my thoughts in a way that serves me.
.... um walking meditation....

harness the power, direct the stream.

I have this awesome new system for organizing the vast amount of information that is coming through the channels of my brain right now.
Its overwhelming sometimes to try and direct this amount of traffic. I am learning though. And this virtual notebook is plucking the information from the cherry tree in my brain. sorting, sifting, organizing, and reorganizing.

hibernation weather came back again and i've naturally landed back in my dreamers corner to participate in this process.

I do feel longing to come out of this cave soon though.... so, sunshine, sunshine! come out soon and warm us all.

Friday, February 15, 2008

just thinking...

I woke up this morning with some strange dreams in my head...

I love how my dreams can show me where my thoughts are and where the emotions are strongest.

this morning I got the coffee cup and headed to the front porch to breath in the morning. my desk felt stale and lifeless and though its february and a little chilly out there, the fresh air gave me perspective. the world around me grew larger the moment I stepped out of my house and onto the observation deck... of my soul.

what holds me back when I would like to be moving?
what pushes me when I should be resting?
oddly enough these polar opposites sometimes paralize me and leave me stranded in the middle of my destiny.

I know the inside of my soul better than I know the habits of the life I have created around me. So, in many ways, this period of hibernation is about transforming, and giving discipline/ meditation to the thoughts that create my habits of living.

I am really grateful for this time of rest in my life. I carved away this opportunity and I thank myself over and over again! ahhhaha
note to self: do this again.
Resting and concentration are habits worth developing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Its a Time of Preparation....

Right now is very much a time of preparation for me. I have been in this beautiful house on Woodland Street for 3 years now... and it has been an amazing journey of self evolution. I have been refining my beliefs.... especially beliefs about self and my relation to others. wow. such growth.

The path has been as imagined but...
the interesting thing about life in the moment... the winding and circling parts are where the really really juicy stuff is born.

I have found this little staircase on the journey. almost a detour up, but more like an off road adventure into my soul. its a resting space. a dancing space. a hideaway above all expectations. a place where new habits and new degrees of self love are being cultivated.

this is where i have been going while hibernating this winter.
and I am beginning to think I might stay here awhile.
this is a time of preparation.
this is a time that is changing me.
refining me.
a greater purity of motivation is being uncovered.
It is going to make the next step of CREATION more satisfying to me.
Its a time of preparation... I'm sensing our new space on the horizon. The Divine Playhouse is so alive, but needs a new front door. And I am really enjoying this time I am taking to sort through all the planning notes and just sit with all the information in my heart and mind.
I am so very fascinated to see what will unfold next.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

creating new layouts

I have been lost in a dream world all day... sitting at the little station in my studio that I like to call "media publishing central" ....ok, a little overboard, but in my mind this is where any and all media I am creating gets organzied and put together.

I have been playing ... organizing playhouse notes, and creating layouts on my big screen.... and that is my work. life is sweeeet!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Today I am Inspired by this Collaboration

I have been inspired by this collaborative project. I listened and I connected with a greater hope for our society... not just a new president who will lead our country with greatness... but a society that will lead Collectively. Yes we Can.

Right now...

Right Now I am organizing ten thousand tiny pieces of paper.

Its my brain on notes/snippets.

and actually... I'm having a blast. ahhaha

Hibernating... what its all about today

SO its winter in Nashville... today its 66 degrees and I am barefoot on the front porch. winter hibernating hasn't been all fireside with hot chocolate so far. nice huh? unexpected and so nice.

But I am still hibernating. I'm laying low, and making few plans if any. well at least not on my calendar.

If you want to find me you should look for one of my lazy spots. I'm doodling in my notebook, sipping tea and capacinos at the coffee shop, and reading.
its serious discipline for me... staying focused on this unfamiliar process is requiring a new level of living-meditation.

but i tell ya, i'm getting clear and thats the most important part of getting what you want from life.